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Get a QuoteIn order to travel to Germany there are specific steps to take.
There is a very definite order of how to get the paperwork correct for pet travel to Germany.
Step 1: Your dog or cat needs a microchip.
Step 2: They then need a rabies vaccination. They must be at least 3 months old before they have this. Some rabies vaccines in the UK last for 3 years and others will last for 3 years but need a top up after one year, so you need to know when the vaccine expires.
Step 3: Your vet issues you with a pet passport, this is no longer sufficient as travel documentation but can be used to track rabies vaccinations.
Step 4: If your pet is travelling by plane, then the airlines demand that they are checked within 10 days of the flight to ensure that they are fit and healthy.
As of January 1st 2021 there have been some changes to the requirement for European pet travel, read more about these here.
Pets entering Germany from a country with a high incidence of rabies must have a Blood Titer Test one month after vaccination and three months prior to departure.
The following breeds of dog are recognised as dangerous dogs and cannot be imported into Germany:
Flying pets to Germany is both simple and tricky. The veterinary requirements are simple, but the logistics and planning can be complicated, as many European airports only accept pets landing at certain times, so the number of flights PetAir UK can use to fly your dog or cat to Europe are limited. Also, the planes used for travel from the UK to Europe are often smaller, and so larger dogs can only travel on certain flights.
At PetAir UK, we’re very experienced at flying pets to Germany and we can plan around all the little rules and regulations to ensure your pets travel comfortably and safely.
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