Importing & Exporting

The good news for a lot of pet owner’s returning to the UK is that a recent rule change (EU Pet Travel Scheme) means that if your pet meets the strict entry criteria they don’t have to go into quarantine. PetAir UK can customs clear pets landing into London, Heathrow (LHR) or Gatwick (LGW). We can also collect them from the ARC (Animal Reception Centre) and deliver to most places in the UK same day (depending on the distance they may have to stay with us a night).

Landing pets into the UK from outside the EU means you’ll need a broker/clearance agent on their arrival. We can help with all ‘normal’ pet imports and with pets that are considered commercial (see below for details). We’d strongly suggest contacting us if you’re unsure about this aspect as we can advise about your case individually.

Why use PetAir?

Whilst it’s the responsibility of you and your agent to make sure that your pet complies with the UK rules on landing and have all the paperwork in order, we take a pro-active approach and with your cooperation request copies of all paperwork in advance/when they are available to check and ensure everything is in order. We’ll work with you and your agent to confirm compliance. Pets arriving into the UK with incorrect paperwork are held at the ARC until the rules are met, at your expense. We seek to help our clients avoid this, aside from the cost implications we know you want your pets cleared as soon as possible!

Is landing pets into the UK expensive?

Whichever UK agent you use, in short, the answer is yes. PetAir UK are competitively priced and aside from our fee we have to pay various agencies as quite a lot of work goes on behind the scenes – we’ll organise all of this for you so you only pay one fee up-front.

What now?

We suggest using a local agent to help you in the country of origin. A good shipper will know all of the rules to export a pet to the UK and by using a local agent you can pay them directly rather than via a third party which may cost you more. Please free to contact us if you’d like us to recommend an agent or you can visit the IPATA Website to find one yourself

Additionally do contact us for prices and further information about the UK process and rules.

What counts as a commercial import?

A commercial import of pets into the UK is currently considered:

  • A pet is less than 6 month old
  • You have owned your pet less than 6 months before shipment (regardless of their age)
  • Any transfer of ownership, whether a gift, rescue or sale

A pet landing under the above conditions will be subject to UK tax (VAT) based on the amount shown on the waybill (ticket) and require additional paperwork.

Lastly, if you’re coming in from outside the EU and you’re not travelling within 5 days of your pet(s) other paperwork is required in addition to the ‘usual’ set. We can help and advise on this sometimes confusing aspect of the new rules.

For more information, feel free to contact us today.

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